Terms of Service

Terms of

These Terms of Service and any terms expressly incorporated herein ("Terms") apply to your access to and use of all services (our "Services") provided by Aftermint, Inc. ("Company," "we," or "us").
You represent and warrant that you: (a) are of legal age to form a binding contract; (b) have not previously been suspended or removed from using our Services; and (c) have full power and authority to enter into this agreement and in doing so will not violate any other agreement to which you are a party.
If you are registering to use the Services on behalf of a legal entity, you further represent and warrant that (i) such legal entity is duly organized and validly existing under the applicable laws of the jurisdiction of its organization, and (ii) you are duly authorized by such legal entity to act on its behalf.
You must create an account with Company to access the Services ("Account"). When you create an Account, you agree to:
(a) provide accurate and truthful information;
(b) maintain and promptly update your Account information;
(c) maintain the security of your Account by protecting and restricting access to your computer and your Account;
(d) promptly notify us if you discover or otherwise suspect any security breaches related to your Account; and
(e) take responsibility for all activities that occur under your Account and accept all risks of any authorized or unauthorized access to your Account, to the maximum extent permitted by law.When you create an Account, we assign you an account identifier that you must retain to access your Account.
We may, in our sole discretion and without liability to you, with or without prior notice and at any time, modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any portion of our Services.
You acknowledge and agree that there are risks associated with utilizing an Internet-based service including, but not limited to, the risk of failure of hardware, software and Internet connections, the risk of malicious software introduction, and the risk that third parties may obtain unauthorized access to information stored within your Account.
You acknowledge and agree that Company will not be responsible for any communication failures, disruptions, errors, distortions or delays you may experience when using the Services, however caused. Company takes no responsibility for and will not be liable for any losses, damages or claims arising from the use of our Services, including, but not limited to, any losses, damages or claims arising from:
(a) passwords being "Bruteforced",
(b) server failure or data loss,
(c) forgotten passwords,
(d) corrupted wallet files,
(e) incorrectly constructed transactions or mistyped Ethereum addresses; or
(f) unauthorized access to mobile applications,
(g) "phishing," viruses, third-party attacks or any other unauthorized third-party activities.
In using our Services, you may view content or utilize services provided by third parties, including links to web pages and services of such parties ("Third-Party Content").
We do not control, endorse or adopt any Third-Party Content and will have no responsibility for Third-Party Content, including, without limitation, material that may be misleading, incomplete, erroneous, offensive, indecent or otherwise objectionable in your jurisdiction.
In addition, your business dealings or correspondence with such third parties are solely between you and the third parties. We are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings, and you understand that your use of Third-Party Content, and your interactions with third parties, is at your own risk.
When accessing or using the Services, you agree that you will not violate any law, contract, intellectual property or other third-party right or commit a tort, and that you are solely responsible for your conduct while using our Services. You must not:
- Use our Services in any manner that could interfere with, disrupt, negatively affect or inhibit other users from fully enjoying our Services, or that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the functioning of our Services in any manner;
- Use our Services to pay for, support or otherwise engage in any illegal activities, including, but not limited to illegal gambling, fraud, money-laundering, or terrorist activities;
- Use any robot, spider, crawler, scraper or other automated means or interface not provided by us to access our Services or to extract data;
- Engage in Automated Data Collection (scraping) unless such Automated Data Collection is confined solely to search indexing for display on the Internet;
- Engage in the reproduction of any content posted (such as public labels or name tags) or extracted from our APIs or our website or any of our affiliate websites without our prior consent or authorization;
- Use or attempt to use another user's account without authorization;
- Attempt to circumvent any content filtering techniques we employ, or attempt to access any service or area of our Services that you are not authorized to access;
- Introduce to the Services any virus, trojan worms, logic bombs or other harmful material;
- Develop any third-party applications that interact with our Services without our prior written consent;
- Provide false, inaccurate, or misleading information; and
- Encourage or induce any third party to engage in any of the activities prohibited under this Section.
7.1. Responsibility for User-Generated Content - You are solely responsible for the content of, and for any harm resulting from, any User-Generated Content that you post, upload, link to or otherwise make available via the Service, regardless of the form of that Content. We are not responsible for any public display or misuse of your User-Generated Content. We have the right (though not the obligation) to refuse or remove any User-Generated Content that, in our sole discretion, violates any Aftermint, Inc. terms or policies.
7.2. Ownership of Content & Right to Post - If you're posting anything you did not create yourself or do not own the rights to, you agree that you are responsible for any Content you post; that you will only submit Content that you have the right to post; and that you will fully comply with any third party licenses relating to Content you post.
7.3. License Grant to Us - We need the legal right to do things like host Your Content, publish it, and share it. You grant us and our legal successors the right to store, parse, and display your content, and make incidental copies as necessary to render the Website and provide the service.
7.4. Moral Rights - You retain all moral rights to Your Content that you upload, publish, or submit to any part of the Service, including the rights of integrity and attribution. However, you waive these rights and agree not to assert them against us, to enable us to reasonably exercise the rights granted in Section 7.3.
7.5. To the extent this agreement is not enforceable by applicable law, you grant Aftermint, Inc. the rights we need to use your content without attribution and to make reasonable adaptations of your content as necessary to render the Website and provide the service.
Unless otherwise indicated by us, all copyright and other intellectual property rights in all content and other materials contained on our website or provided in connection with the Services, including, without limitation, the Company or Company logo and all designs, text, graphics, pictures, information, data, software, sound files, other files and the selection and arrangement thereof (collectively, "Company Materials") are the proprietary property of Company or our licensors or suppliers and are protected by copyright laws and other intellectual property rights laws.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Aftermint, Inc. with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
"Aftermint" the Company logo, and any other Company product or service names, logos or slogans that may appear on our Services are trademarks of Company and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without our prior written permission.
You will not use any trademark, product or service name of Company without our prior written permission, including without limitation any metatags or other "hidden text" utilizing any trademark, product or service name of Company. In addition, the look and feel of our Services, including all page headers, custom graphics, button icons and scripts, is the service mark, trademark and/or trade dress of Company and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without our prior written permission.
All other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned through our Services are the property of their respective owners. Reference to any products, services, processes or other information, by name, trademark, manufacturer, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by us.
In the event of any Force Majeure Event, breach of these Terms, or any other event that would make provision of the Services commercially unreasonable for Company, we may, in our discretion and without liability to you, with or without prior notice, suspend your access to all or a portion of our Services.
We may terminate your access to the Services in our sole discretion, immediately and without prior notice, and delete or deactivate your Account and all related information and files in such account without liability to you, including, for instance, in the event that you breach any term of these Terms.