Four steps to create a Dapp with Aftermint

Aug 29, 2023

We understand how challenging it can be for non-coders to create anything technical, whether online or offline. This challenge is exacerbated by the fact that many technical documents are often too complex for the average person to understand. Therefore, when we were in the early stages of developing Aftermint, we worked tirelessly to ensure that the flow, language, and logic were simple enough for practically anyone to create a Dapp.That’s why we’ve streamlined it into a four-step procedure.

Watch our 19-second video to see just how easy it is to create your own Dapp.

  1. Click “Create Dapp now”

  2. Select your role

  3. Name your Dapp & input the NFT Smart Contract Address

  4. Click “Create Dapp”That’s it!

Simple enough, right?

Of course, there’s still a lot you can do to customize your Dapp, such as personalized messages and styling. However, you can always work on these add-ons after your Dapp is up and running. We’ll be creating another tutorial soon to discuss how to further customize your Dapp.

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Aftermint provides a Web3 social platform that makes it easy for any service providers and organizers to promote real-world offers and events that are exclusively targeted to virtual asset holders. Virtual asset holders can easily discover these offers and their popularity on the platform.

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